Bossy Bear
Bossy Bear is an American-South Korean 22-minute animated series based on the books by David Horvath. The show centers on the playful misadventures of Bossy Bear, an exuberant extrovert, and his best friend Turtle, a thoughtful introvert. Together, these unlikely buddies navigate whimsical childhood escapades in their vibrant, Koreatown-inspired city of Pleasantburg. My team at Nick Jr. developed a dynamic graphics package to highlight the fun and friendship at the heart of this exciting new series.
Designer: Marissa Klick
Design Director: JungIn Yun
Senior Art Director: Kay Kyungjoo Lee
Animation Director: Rob Kohr
Sr Designer & Sr Motion Designer: Jimin Lee
Motion Graphic Designers: Minha Kim and Seulgi Kim
Bossy Bear
I was involved in the early stages of the Bossy Bear graphics package, as well as some elements of the final designs (such as finding fonts that fit the package). This included concepting moodboards, creating and colorizing designs, and drawing sketches. Below are some of my explorations for the Bossy Bear graphics package.